Monday, February 23, 2015

Teachers are Heroes~TPT sale

Surprise, surprise!!  It's another fabulous TPT ONE day, site-wide sale!  Teachers ARE their students, families, and coworkers.  I can think of many teachers in my lifetime that have influenced me to do better, be stronger, and to take learning to the next level.  They are the heroes in my life.  I look up to them and hope that one day at least one student will say the same about me.

In honor of all the teachers that have influenced someone in their lives, I'll be offering 20% off in my store.  TPT will offer an additional 10% when you use the code: HEROES.  That's a total of 28% off your purchase.

Prior to the sale, make sure to leave feedback on all your old purchases.  Why not get some products for FREE?!?!?!
Thanks to Jen over at Teaching in the Tongass for creating this SUPER, cute banner!

You may be interested in some of my best sellers.  Here's a preview...

Happy Shopping!!

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